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Canadian Industry specific Resumes and cover letters. 
We know what employers are looking for. 



Resume Creation Fee: $250


Your resume is your first impression. They may determine your chances of getting the job you are pursuing. A professionally composed resume could be your best shot.


Fill in the questionnaire below, upload your resume and complete the payment process. We will be in touch with you shortly after.

Enter information below & upload resume.

Fee for this service is $250. You will be required to pay upon submission of this form.


Are you currenly married?


  • This service primarily writes and prepares cover letters and resumes for Canadian-based employers

  • All information and personal documentation as received by clients are treated as confidential and incorporated as a true reflection of the individual’s qualifications, certifications, and work experience.

  • The resume writer assumes no responsibility or liability for any omissions or false information reflected in the prepared documents, if provide as such by the client.

  • Cover letters and resumes prepared for the Canadian job market, can be used internally, provided the client adjusts/and or provide context where applicable to the country they are applying to.

  • Cover letters and resumes should be amended for each job application.

  • A “blanket approach” is not recommended.

  • This is not a job offer.

  • This is not an immigration assessment.

  • This is not recruitment services.

Upload Resume (scan or jpeg)
Upload Cover Letter (scan or jpeg)

** Please only press the submit button once. The payment form will pop up for you.

Thank you, we will be in touch soon!

Looking to learn more about Canada? See our many articles on our blog.


Martie Kruger Immigration Canada

Immigration Services Canada
Brandon, Manitoba


Mon - Fri: 10am - 4pm

​​Saturday: Closed

​Sunday: Closed

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